Prime-Riyu is that guy who reveiws games and talks bout em. reviews animations and other things as well. He loves to be the non h8r but the friendly dude of the community. He may have speach and spell error problopms. he may be mental. watch out.
Joined on 4/17/15
The first time I was chosen to vote, I was so confused and had no idea what the heck any of that was. It's pretty neat how they choose people based on how active people are on this site, which is kind of nice
But also I hope the best for you, NG will always be here so no need to apologize ^^
Yes it was my first time getting chosen and it shocked me. But I enjoyed it but its so difficult to choose XD. Anywho I hope to end this hiatus soon and get back to updating regulary. Thanks for the comment.